UK Postdocs consists of a group of postdoc associations from across the UK, eg London, Cambridge. We aim to share good practice, offer advice and suggestions, and generally campaign for improvements in postdoctoral career prospects and opportunities. We are currently organising Shaping Postdoc Culture, the second National Postdoc meeting.
London Postdocs

Jemima Ho
I am a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at KCL working in the field of Mucosal Immunology. I joined London Postdocs with a wish to help unify our community and work towards an improved and efficient strategy for postdoctoral career progression within the research industry. I am keen to promote ties between academia and industry, placing postdocs at the forefront and bringing awareness to their value.

Conrad Iyegbe
My research background is in the genetic basis of psychosis. I seek better recognition for the significant contribution that postdocs make to institutional high standards through better safeguarding and greater strategic investment in their longer-term academic outcomes.

Sarah Jasim
I am a Research Fellow in Social Care at NIHR ARC North Thames, working at the Care Policy Evaluation Centre at LSE and Department of Applied Health Research at UCL. I joined London Postdocs in 2018 to represent the interests of early-career researchers, as I wanted to raise awareness of the challenges faced by postdoctoral researchers, and work towards a collective solution to tackle these. I would especially like to draw out the inequalities and biases faced by early-career researchers - so we can work together to address and overcome these.

Morag Lewis
I am a postdoc at King's College London, studying the genetics of progressive hearing loss. I joined the London Postdocs group because I want to see more careers options for postdocs within our academic research environment.

Nina Moderau
I'm a postdoc in Imperial College London, leading a project on breast cancer evolution and heterogeneity. I joined London Postdocs as I'm passionate about supporting and encouraging initiatives that will help fellow postdocs to progress in their careers and personal development.

Marina Parry
I am a postdoc at UCL, having previously held positions at Manchester and Southampton Universities. I joined London Postdocs because I feel passionately that postdocs should take control of their careers so that they are empowered to make the right decisions for themselves.

Rui Pires Martins
I am the Researcher Development Adviser for postdocs and early-career researchers at Queen Mary University of London. Prior to this, I was an EMBO Postdoctoral Research Fellow at The Gurdon Institute (Cambridge) from 2007-2009, and a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Institute of Bioengineering (QMUL) from 2009-2013. As a former postdoc and someone who advocates on behalf of QMUL postdocs, working to empower this group of highly skilled people is something I feel passionate about.